The Erg Chegaga desert is one of the most fascinating and popular places in Morocco. It offers breathtaking landscapes, a unique culture and an unforgettable travel experience. If you are looking for an authentic adventure, an escape from the beaten track and an immersion in the nomadic culture, excursions to the Erg Chegaga desert from Ouarzazate are perfect for you.


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Three different trips from Ouarzazate

We offer 3 different excursions to the Erg Chegaga desert from Ouarzazate, each offering a unique and unforgettable experience :

Erg Chegaga Desert Excursion - 2 days and 1 night

300€/pers. from 2 people

This excursion is ideal for those who wish to discover the desert in a short time. You will enjoy a camel ride, a sunset over the dunes, a night in a bivouac under the stars and a guided tour of the desert. The return will be by 4×4 the next morning.

  • Day 1: Departure from Ouarzazate, discovery of Lake Iriki and bivouac in M’Hamid
  • Day 2: Walk in the Erg Chegaga desert, watch the sunset over the dunes, overnight in bivouac, star gazing and return to Ouarzazate

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Erg Chegaga Desert Excursion - 3 days and 2 nights

440€/pers. from 2 people

This excursion will allow you to discover the beauty of the desert in depth. You can admire Lake Iriki, take a walk in the Erg Chegaga desert, visit the city of Foum Zguid carpets and discover the nomadic culture by spending a night with the locals.

  • Day 1: Departure from Ouarzazate, discovery of the Draa Valley, bivouac in M’Hamid
  • Day 2: Camel ride in the desert, discovery of fossils, observation of the sunset over the dunes, night in a bivouac, star gazing
  • Day 3: Return to Ouarzazate via the city of carpets, Foum Zguid

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Erg Chegaga Desert Excursion - 4 days and 3 nights

530€/pers. from 2 people

  • Day 1: Departure from Ouarzazate, discovery of the Draa Valley, bivouac in M’Hamid
  • Day 2: Camel ride in the desert, discovery of fossils, observation of the sunset over the dunes, night in a bivouac, star gazing
  • Day 3: Walk in the Erg Chegaga desert, discovery of nomadic life, night in bivouac
  • Day 4: Return to Ouarzazate via the city of carpets, Foum Zguid

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yaya desert travel

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We are happy to share these highlights with you. Contact us to organize your own desert adventure.

26 avis sur
Constance C
Constance C
Séjour exceptionnel et hôte incroyable Notre séjour chez Yahya fut magique. Nous avons passé une nuit chez lui à M’Hamid (facilement accessible en taxi depuis Zagora) et sommes ensuite partis pour un trek de 4 jours et 3 nuits dans le désert en compagnie de son cousin Mohammed, de son acolyte au rire incroyable et de 3 dromadaires. Ce voyage fut juste exceptionnel, tant par la gentillesse et la simplicité de ces nomades, tant par leur accueil et la splendeur poétique des paysages alentours. Matin, midi et soir, des repas copieux et excellents, beaucoup de joie et de douceur. Nous étions sans cesse impatients de l’installation du campement (toujours dans des endroits typiques du désert). Le 3ème jour, nous avons grimpé la Erg EzzaHar et avons profité d’une vue magnifique et d’un coucher de soleil inoubliable.Marcher au rythme des nomades fut une expérience que je souhaite à tout un chacun de vivre au moins une fois.Merci encore pour tout, nous n’avons qu’une envie, revenir et rester encore plus.
Antonin M
Antonin M
Une expérience magique Nous avons fait un trek de 4 jours dans le désert avec des cousins de Yaya. Un bel aperçu de la vie de nomades, avec dromadaires, bivouacs, tajines, feus de camp, pain de sable et chants marocains. Ce fut une expérience extraordinaire qui restera gravée dans nos mémoires et nos cœurs. Merci pour les djellaba que tu nous as prêtées, ça nous a bien tenus chaud, on voulait plus les quitter! Merci Yaya pour ton accueil au gîte. La chambre à Mhamid est super, calme et proche des magasins, restaurants et du départ pour le trek.
Magique Séjour incroyable, si vous voulez rêver foncez ! L’hôte et ses amis sont supers , ils vous mettront à l’aise et les excursions sont exceptionnelles. Je n’oublierai jamais ce voyage. Je recommande et à refaire pour faire découvrir ce merveilleux endroits
Luogo magico ♥️ Luogo magico e caratteristico, consiglio a tutti i viandanti di soggiornare lì. Luogo semplice, tradizionale, accogliente. Camere curate, pulite e colorate. Cucina tradizionale davvero buona, arricchita dalla compagnia e gentilezza di chi la gestisce, torneremo presto. Grazie di tutto!
Taragalte Festival and Er Chigaga We were picked up from the bus station by Ya Ya and immediately felt at ease. He has a laid back and accomodating vibe. When we tried to extend our stay and no rooms were available he allowed us to sleep in the living room for a few nights. The house has a beautiful courtyard where we spent many go slow mornings playing music and drinking tea. He helped us organise an Er Chigaga adventure that fitted into our timing. While we were here we went to the Taragalte Festival, he came in with us, enjoyed the music and helped us get home. Would recommend coming to Dar Ya Ya and spending time here, the desert is a beautiful place and Ya Ya was super helpful.
Julie B
Julie B
Excursion dans le désert Yaya est un guide ainsi qu’un hôte extraordinaire !Il nous a guidé dans le désert durant 2 jours, et nous a par la suite accueilli chez lui Cette expérience restera gravée à jamais dans nos mémoires ! Si vous décidez de faire appel à un guide, alors n’hésitez pas, Yaya est à l’écoute de vos demandes, c’est une personne bienveillante et d’une extrême gentillesse.Nous reviendrons avec grand plaisirEncore merci à toi Yaya !
Wholesome trip into the desert Yahya is a great guy and we had an awesome time with him. His welcome was really warm and he presented us the best possible trip to Erg chegaga desert. Driving wir a 4x4 to the camp, explaining a lot of things and getting served with great food. When possible, we will definitely stay with him again!
Laure H
Laure H
Vacances Maroc Super logement. Mais surtout super accueil. Yaya nous accueilli comme des rois. Nous étions 8, deux couples avec deux enfants chacun. Il nous a fait profiter de sa culture et de son désert. Les enfants et nous mêmes en gardons un super souvenir. On reviendra sans problème.
Sylvie S
Sylvie S
Extraordinaire excursion dans le désert Yahya est un guide fantastique pour une excursion dans le désert. Que ce soit pour une nuit à la belle étoile entre 2 dunes ou dans un bivouac confortable au pied de la haute dune de Chegaga, il exauce tous vos voeux en toute simplicité et avec une immense gentillesse. Si vous cherchez du partage et de l'authenticité, c'est ici qu'il faut venir.
Virginie B
Virginie B
Aventure dans le désert Merci Yahya de nous avoir fait découvrir ton désert, merci pour cette aventure courte mais intense!!Yahya est charmant, très serviable et intarissable sur son désert et son pays.On reviendra!!! Je recommande très vivement!!

Places to visit on the road from Ouarzazate to Erg Chegaga

The journey to the Erg Chegaga desert from Ouarzazate is itself an unforgettable adventure, with many sites to visit along the way. Must-sees include the Drâa Valley, which is dotted with traditional Berber villages and earthen kasbahs, and the town of Zagora, famous for its famous “Timbuktu, 52 Days” signpost. You can also discover Lake Iriki, an oasis of sand and stone, and the town of Foum Zguid, known for its production of Berber carpets. Finally, do not miss to visit M’Hamid El Ghizlane, the “gateway to the desert”, where you can discover the culture of the desert nomads and their traditional way of life.

The road from Ouarzazate to Erg Chegaga is dotted with spectacular landscapes and places of interest. Here are some places not to miss:

  • The Draa Valley
  • The Kasbah of Ait Ben Haddou
  • The city of carpets, Foum Zguid

    Tips for preparing your trip to the Erg Chegaga desert

    Before leaving for your desert excursion, it is important to take into account some tips to ensure that your trip goes smoothly. First of all, it is advisable to make a reservation in advance, especially during high season periods. Then, it is recommended to bring clothes adapted to the desert climate, that is to say light clothes, but also warm clothes for the night.

    Also don’t forget to take comfortable shoes for camel rides or on foot on the dunes. It is also important to bring sun protection products, enough water and medication if needed. Finally, it is advisable to respect the customs and traditions of the local populations, in particular by avoiding taking photos without their authorization.

    Finally, to fully enjoy your trip to the desert, be prepared to immerse yourself in the local culture and adapt to the customs and lifestyles of the desert nomads.

    Be prepared for extreme temperatures: The days can be very hot and the nights very cold in the desert. Be sure to bring appropriate clothing to protect you from the sun and to keep you warm at night.

    Protect your skin and eyes: The sun can be very intense in the desert. We recommend that you bring sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself.

    The culture of the desert nomads

    A desert experience is also a unique opportunity to experience the fascinating culture of the desert nomads. The latter have lived in the desert for centuries, adapting their way of life to the extreme conditions of the environment. Desert nomads are known for their legendary hospitality, traditional music and desert survival techniques. They also have a unique skill in producing handicrafts, such as carpets, jewelry, and camel wool clothing. During your excursion, you will have the opportunity to discover the culture of the desert nomads by visiting their camps, interacting with them and learning about their way of life. This will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the desert experience and better understand this unique region.

    The Erg Chegaga desert is home to nomadic tribes who live in traditional canvas tents called “khaimas”. You will have the opportunity to discover their way of life and share a friendly moment with them. They will tell you about their traditions, their culture and their way of life in the desert. You will also be able to watch a demonstration of traditional music and dance, as well as the preparation of local dishes, such as the famous tajine, cooked in a traditional earthen oven called “tabouna”. This unique experience will allow you to better understand life in the desert and discover a fascinating and little-known culture.